Surrey First Aid Training

Surrey First Aid Training offers a wide range of bespoke first aid courses from our 3 day First Aid at Work to our 3 hour Basic Life Support and everything in between.

Training Courses

Surrey First Aid Training offers a range of bespoke and specialist training courses. All our courses are delivered through a range of practical, interactive training, which challange our learners through the use of casualty simulation. We go above and beyond other training companies with FREE annual skills update and additional course modules in specialist subjects which can be tailored to suit your workplace. We also offer a wide range of online courses and zoom training.

Ensuring your staff have the skills needed to deal with any First Aid emergency is a legal requirement. The 18 hour First Aid at Work course meets the requirements set by the Health & Safety...

The 1 day Emergency First Aid at Work course meets the requirements set by the Health & Safety Executive and the Health & Safety (First Aid) Regulations 1981. This course is designed to give...

Our 12 hour face to face and blended learning Paediatric First Aid courses meet the requirements of the EYFS framework 2021 which sets the standards that all early years...

Surrey First Aid Training is pleased to offer our blended Forest School First Aid course which fulfils the OFSTED requirements for 12 hour Paediatric First Aid. The course is ideal for those who...

We are outdoor, expedition and wilderness First Aid experts and have been delivering courses for over 20 years. Our 16 hour Remote Outdoor First Aid course is designed to ensure that you have...

The two day 16 hour Forest School First Aid course is an outdoor first aid course designed for dealing with children from 1 year of age upwards and includes their potential illnesses and injuries of...

We provide specialist First Aid courses for schools, tailored to the need and requirements of your pupils and staff. Perfect for inset day training!

This course aims to give confidence to staff responsible for administering medication, so that situations may be managed safely. It gives general awareness of medications and how they are...

The 1 day Emergency First Aid for Sports or Dance covers the recommended course content as set by the HSE for Emergency First Aid at Work courses. We also tailor the content and training scenarios...

All healthcare professionals should be proficient in resuscitating patients. QOF recommends that all clinical staff update their Emergency Life Support training every 18 months and non-clinical...

Effective bystander CPR provided immediately after sudden cardiac arrest can double or triple a victim's chance of survival, but only 32% of cardiac arrest victims get CPR from a...

Recent changes to Forestry Commission policy recommend those who work in the Forestry industry attend training which includes additional topics relevant to the risks and nature or their work. We...

Surrey First Aid Training has a friendly and professional team of First Aiders available for low risk event cover. All our First Aiders come with their own kit and are qualified to at...

6 hour Mental Health First Aider (for Early Years and Schools) Surrey First Aid believes that mental first aid and physical first aid should be treated with the same level of importance. We know...

6 hour Mental Health First Aider (for adults) Surrey First Aid believes that mental First Aid and physical First Aid should be treated with the same level of importance. We know the importance in...

Both Schools and Early Years Providers have an obligation to put policies and procedures in place for children who suffer from severe allergies. This not only covers First Aid and immediate...

This four hour course is designed for designated fire wardens who are responsible for fire safety in the workplace. The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 (RRFSO) applies to all workplaces...

We are delighted to be a national training partner for the amazing Resus Rangers Ltd. Resus Rangers is a child-centred First Aid programme for primary school children aged 4-11, featuring four...